Hanuman Tibba Expedition


Located in north Indian state of Himachal Pradesh in Kullu Manali. Hanuman Tibba is highest peak of Dhauladhar mountain range, Stand steady as pyramid shape from its base camp. Peak require previous mountaineering experience and technical skill. physical fitness is must to negotiate with moraine, rock, Ice and snowy route. From Summit , you will be blessed by astonishing view of peaks sprout as mushrooms field, One after one are amazingly challenging and glorious which makes your way to dream the next venture.

Day 1: Arrival in Manali (1960m)
Morning arrival in Manali transfer to hotel. After breakfast rest till lunch. Later walk to visit the Hadimba temple, Buddhist monastery and town to buy the needful accessory. Night in hotel.

Day 2: Manali: Acclimatization
Day for preparation of expedition and acclimatization walk. Night in hotel.

Day 3: Manali –Dhundhi (2850m)- Bakka Thatch (3800m) 5-6 hours trek 1
Take a scenic drive of 21 kms to Dhundi via Solang valley through the forest of Pine, Maple, Walnut, Silver fir and Oak. From Dhundi walk gradually in beginning, cross a temporary log bridge over gushing stream, further uphill trek a the beneath of seven sisters peaks and hanging glacier for next 2 hours till Bakar Thatch.

Campsite is surrounded by mountains as of Hanuman Tibba 5950 m. Sheti Dhar 5100m, Ladakhi peak 5300m, and Friendship peak 5200m).
After establishing the camp, take acclimatization walk around or practice bouldering / rock climbing can be worth to get used to approach above base camp. Night in camp.

Day 4: Bakkar Thatch – Beas Kund. (3950m) 3-4 hours, Trek 2
Easy trail in beginning, than steady walk to the ridge, Cross the glacier field over boulders for short while, meadow of Beas kund will be in clear view, Camp site will be set at the beneath of Hanuman Tibba, and route to camp 1 is n clear view .
Afternoon take acclimatization walk toward the higher camp. Evening back to base camp, Night in camp

Day 5: Acclimatization day
If needed day will be focused for Ice training in nearby glacier field, learn the use of ropes / ice axe and crampons. Get familiar with the use of your equipment. Or Simply take your time for preparation of higher camp. Night in camp

Day 6: Base to Camp 1(Load ferry) 4800m
Steady rocky route or icy (compact snowy) galley to be taken sub. to the present condition of route and weather, Rope can be fixed if required. drop the load at site, spend some time for acclimatization. Back to base camp.

Day 7: base to Camp 1
Move to camp 1, establish the camp. Night in camp.

Day 8: Camp 1 to Camp 2 (summit camp) 5000m
Leave after early breakfast, whole trail goes over glacier, need to be careful, specially to negotiate the hidden crevasses till summit camp. Night in camp.

Day 9: Summit (5950m) 8-9h
Wake up early in the morning, after a quick breakfast, get ready to achieve the goal you have been prepared for. Once on the top you will enjoy mesmerizing view of mighty Himalayan peaks and surrounding valleys. Descend to summit camp. Night camp.

Day 10: Contingency day
In case of bad weather, we keep a day for second attempt, if all goes well, this day will be used for the side trip at base camp.

Day 11: Back to Camp 1
Bind up the camp, Same way back till camp 1,

Day 12: Back to Base camp
Bind up the camp, Same way descend to the base camp.

Day 13: Base camp – Dhundhi-- Manali (2000m) 3 hrs, Treks 3 and 1h30 drive.
Downhill trek from Beas kund to Dhundi, here vehicle will be waiting you for further drive to Manali. Night in hotel.

Day 14: Departure:
Check out at 12 noon. One-time transfer to bus station, end of service.